Thursday, November 27, 2008

Turkey Day Tantrum, Deux

Dear Potato/Apple/Carrot/etc. Peeler,

WHERE HAVE YOU GONE?! How on earth did you grow legs and walk out of the house? I would like to be as sneaky as you are. You'd be a great spy.

Now I know, you just want Thanksgiving off. But I do, too, and I'm working...

And I hear you saying, "Oh, Moira. People survived without peelers. Buck up, kiddo. Do things the old fashioned way."

And I say back to you, oh, you traitorous deserter, "Yes, peeler. I am bucking up indeed. And by that I mean using one of those little knives which boyscouts get to hack away the peels of my sweet potatoes and apples."

On tonight's menu: carved sweet potatoes and whittled apple pie.


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