Saturday, November 8, 2008

Why dontcha do something?

Yesterday I wrote a little something as I spent my entire afternoon in the park. It fizzled out toward the end (which you will definitely see), but I like it anyway. The writing isn't genius level, and for that, I apologize. I was going to write more in here about love, but who am I to spout off about things I don't understand? Enjoy. . . (Or don't. Your choice.)

1:29 PM

At the age of 21, I have it all. Money? Well, no, not that. Any inkling as to what my future will hold come graduation? Ah. . . no. Any inkling as to what my future will hold come tonight? I guess I don't really even have that. (But guess what? Neither do you!) But I still have it all.

I have a blanket in Marion Square. I have a trusty legal pad, a New Yorker magazine, a City Paper crossword puzzle, and a Dr. Pepper. I had the world's most delicious pita, but I ate that already. Sorry, pita, you didn't stand a chance.

Hadley's laying next to me, it's good to have a friend. The girls directly in front of me are having, oh geez, like the world's most vapid conversation as they lay in a busy city park wearing string bikinis. Hadley and I are both fully clothed. (Go us.) We are also not being distressingly vapid, at least not right now. Had is reading Cicero. It's good to have a (smart) friend.

I have eyes. Those are nice, too. People watching is the world's most under-rated way to spend any morning, afternoon, or night. If people watching was an Olympic sport, I think it's safe to say that I'd be a definite contender.

I have a gel pen. I love writing with gel pens because the words look so fluid and shiny. I am easily amused. . .

I have a picture of my parents in my wallet that makes me really happy. If I were to venture a guess, I'd say that they were, at most, 25, and that they probably had very little more than I do in terms of money/long term plans. But they look like they have it all. I actually love this picture so much that I feel guilty. As somebody who is very possessive of their emotions and experiences, I know that if somebody had a picture of me with my future spouse in their wallet, I'd probably think that they were trying to have my love. And I'd be sad. Or maybe angry. Hopefully my dad doesn't mind.

I have to work tonight. This breaks my little beating heart. I don't want to go home and change and trudge to Shucks. But as I said. . . no money. Oh well.

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