Friday, November 14, 2008

Shucksgiving 2008

Dear anybody who might be in Charleston this Thanksgiving,

As I'm getting ready to head over to Kendall's for some vegan fare and wine, it made me think of a little get together I'll be having shortly in my humble abode.

We're doing Thanksgiving at my home and you are welcome. (Even you!) I'm calling it Shucksgiving seeing as, well, it'll probably mostly be a mass gathering of people who had to work at A.W. on Turkey Day and are thus stranded without their family and without their grandma's candied yams. I'm cooking. You're drinking. Bring a bottle or a six pack or just yourself and I will bring turkey and the rest. (And I will be wearing my sweet apron.)

Back to Mary Magdalene some time shortly.

1 comment:

KMK said...

it won't be as good as last year.......
sorry friend