Wednesday, November 5, 2008

That's my daughter in the water...

I don't blog about my family because, well, they've asked me not to in the past. And while I understand that, I will divulge this quick little conversation between me and my father from this afternoon. It must be admitted that this conversation is completely through text message. Yeah, my Abba is cool and texts me back when I am being weird. And I present: Moira's reaction to Connie's new car . . .

MTP: There is a Prius in our driveway. I can't believe you surprised me with one!
DTP: So that you finish the school year without incident - please do not take it. That would be grand theft auto.
MTP: Shoot, homes, you mean it's not mine?
DTP: No girl - not yours.
MTP: Dag, Davizzle, now I'm sad.
DTP: Go grab a 40 and chill.

You heard it. Best advice ever. From my father. Go grab a 40 and chill. Words to live by, folks.