Thursday, February 26, 2009

Could you be loved?

Today I frantically searched my room for my insurance card. It wasn't in the check box where I keep cards that I don't deem important enough to be in my wallet (why don't I find my insurance card worthy? why!). So I looked in the folder that holds things that are old, my Horizon bank folder where I keep most of my writing, pictures, and aha my car insurance card from a policy I no longer hold for a car that I no longer drive. Of course.

As I went through the writing I found the oldest fiction pieces to be from 2004. That is five years ago! Some of them I had to throw away, even though I loved the writing, because the topic made me get all huffy and puffy and I don't want to blow this pretty house of cards down. Some of them I kept because, despite the topic, they were too sweet and terrible to throw away (a particular piece has me channeling Tom Robbins in all the wrong ways- I'm sure he'd cringe at the words). Some of them were so depressing that I kept them just to remind myself that I'm in a better place.

But then I found some things even older. The autobiography I wrote of myself in the 8th grade, for example. But even better, a list of qualities that I wished for in a potential boyfriend in the 7th grade. This isn't a list of qualities I wanted in seventh graders. This was what I wanted in a man, in the man, in the love of my life. It is long, it is so severely outdated, and it is hilarious.

Take a gander.

*My Man* [Yes, I did title it this and I did use stars to outline the title. All punctuation, shorthand, etc. is maintained from the original in the best way I knew how.]

  • Over 5'7''
  • Shorter than 6'2''
  • Handsome
  • Thin to slightly built
  • Not overly hairy
  • Good hygiene
  • Pretty Smile
  • Siblings
  • Better voice than mine
  • Funny
  • Must love music
  • Good @ sports
  • No facial hair!!!
  • Short hair
  • Good style in clothes
  • No weird obsessions
  • NO SCRUBS!!!!!!
  • Romantic
  • Sincere/Honest
  • Likes dogs (ROY!) [ed note: Roy was the name of the rottweiler I dreamed of owning.]
  • Charming
  • Polite
  • Likes same music as me
  • Likes basketball (Jordan!)
  • Respectful
  • Interesting
  • Motivated
  • Get along with JC [tween code for Christian]
  • Non-smoker
  • Good cologne
  • Good dancer
  • Good breath
  • Strong morals
  • Loves family
  • Humble
  • Good eyes
  • Good conversationalist
  • Understanding
  • Protective, BUT
  • Not jealous
  • Likes shopping
  • Likes roller coasters
  • Good taste in food
  • Good last name
  • Forgiving
  • Spoils me
  • Generous towards others
  • Intelligent
  • Nice shoes
  • Pretty hands
  • Confident, BUT
  • Like children
  • No ugly piercings
  • No ugly tattoos (black: woo-hoo!)
  • Nice friends
  • Good at partying
  • NOT "perfect"
  • Literate
  • Watches good movies
  • Good laugh
  • Responsible
  • Likes warm weather
  • Doesn't tan
I made a revised list in 2005. It was titled "What I Like in a Man" and had three points. 1. Tall. 2. Smart. 3. Funny.

Funny that I had, by my count, sixty-four points when I was 11 and three points when I was 18. I wonder how many I'd have now, but I think I realize that my high standards don't come from a list. Now, if only I can figure out where they do come from?

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