Monday, February 9, 2009

Ch ch ch changes...

I wanted to paint my blog black.

No, really, I just got tired of always having somebody else's layout as my blog template. So, until I am in the mood to make one myself (which will happen some day, I promise, but perhaps not some day soon), I will just use the template that blogger gives me.

If you want something done right you have to do it yourself, no? I actually don't subscribe to that wisdom, but I do want this blog to be an expression of myself and not of whomever it is that makes layouts at cutestblogontheblock or myspaceoryours. Though they are both very talented, I think it is time to take matters into my own hands.

If what you see is what you get, you might as well see something that is my doing. Get a little more me and a little less everybody else. That is what this blogging business is all about, right?

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