Thursday, January 8, 2009

What's the good word?

A week or two ago, as we sat on the couch with "The Girl on the Couch" (Hadley), I wondered out loud if her mother would continue her blog, Polly-vous Francais? now that she is back on American soil. Hadley admitted that she didn't know because she didn't read her mother's blog as much as one would think. Imagine reading about your mother's social life... I don't think I'd want to go down that road, either.

Anyway, as I clicked on the blog to read the latest, Hadley noted how proud her mother was of her name. I always admired it myself. But of course I would, as I subscribe to the geekdom that is blogging myself. After laughing about her mom's pride in coming up with her own witticism, Hadley inquired as to what the name of my blog was.

"Mo-torious," I sheepishly answered. Luckily Hads was gracious enough to not make note of how cheesy my name was and how proud I was of my little witty name.

A few days later, as I walked down the street, I was thinking of what name I would come up with if I were to use some other language for my blog. And it came to me. Bon Mo! And I can tell you, I thought it was brilliant. But I advised myself in my mind not to use it. a-Wouldn't want to copy Polly. b-Wouldn't want to be too proud of myself for something so silly.

And then this evening I thought to myself, what the hell? Why not? And here we are. At the start of another era.

New year, new name.

What do you think? Could this be the good word?

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