Saturday, December 27, 2008

And a happy New Year

So I didn't blog while I was home... whoops. Pretty sure nobody lost any sleep over it, I know I didn't. Of course there is much to be said, but first, I look to the future.

January 1: a celebration of a new year, 22 years of life for moi, and, as always, new clothing...

This year's birthday dress turned out to be a skirt. It is quite plain but I like it quite a bit. Anthro describes the color as "hued of late-summer grass" and I like that. Will I wear it the same way as the model? No. (Probably just with a tank top as it is looking like it'll be toasty warm for my birthday.) Are my legs as skinny as the models? No. Do I still love it? Yes. Yes, I do.

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