Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I have lost my fangs...

Dear Blogger,

Laura Dumont Lilley and Moira Taylor Phillips are officially the best negotiators ever.

Here is the deal we concocted with Moe over dinner tonight at La Fourchette...

[La and I are talking all kinds of completely unfounded trash about how we can beat Moe at tennis]
Moe: "If you two can beat me at tennis, I will take you to France with me..."
[La and I realize this is the best deal ever and start talking about how we're going to start practicing.]

About twenty minutes later, after we're talking about all the fun we're going to have in France, Moe thinks outloud...

Moe: "This cannot be a one-sided bet. What do I get if I win?"
Me: "Strippers?"
Moe: "No, they all know me..."
Laurie: "If you win, you get the pleasure of having us visit you in France!"

Basically, we have put ourselves in a win/win situation. I understand that this is mostly Laurie's genius. Well, it is completely Laurie's genius. She is a genius. And we are going to France because of it.

Dear Moe,
Sorry we're going to go to France with you and make it the best time ever had by anybody on the planet. We apologize that this is the best bet anybody has ever made on the planet. We're going to rock peoples faces off. Hard.Core.
La and Mo

Tomorrow, the tennis practice will commence.

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