Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day 2- Ready for Bed

The thing about this 500 Days of Moira nonsense is that I'm going to write every day. This morning I thought that perhaps I'd write something about my current state of mind but then I decided that I'd leave it until the end of the day when I actually had something to write.

Work was awfully slow, so that gave me nothing to write about. Mostly I just sat there and took three tables and talked to Squirt and Bobby and Alicia. That said, they did make some yummy onion rings and I did spend a few minutes giving Golden Boy the third degree about his future and making snap judgments.

Then we went to happy hour. Well, first we went to the Gallery. The Gallery is the mall that is featured in the "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" Christmas special. You know, when Charlie goes to the mall and eats Santa's face off? Mostly we just went to Old Navy and I also hopped by the Chik'fil'a for a sandwich.

Happy hour was great. Except for the fact that I had the best idea ever which is to make pathetic hour. Let's be honest, what's so happy about happy hour? You're drinking because your day is over and presumably, it sucked. You're drinking with people who are also drinking because of how lame work is. You're drinking to drink it alllll away. Is this happy? No, it's pathetic.

At Moira Phillips's pathetic hour, you will not be allowed in if you're going to be obnoxious and happy. You will be allowed in if I think you're amusing/in need of alcohol/pathetic. Done and done.

I will make a LOT of money off of pathetic hour, juuuust you wait.

See you on Day 3.

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