Saturday, January 9, 2010

I can't watch football

Here's the thing. I can't watch sports. Generally, I follow sports by checking my ESPN score center app. This works for me. Watching sports does not work for me. Or rather, it doesn't work for anybody in my general vicinity.

I am obnoxious.

Krystina used to make us dinner when we had football dates and she would spend most of the night in the kitchen and her ex and I would sit and yell at the television.

Why do I yell at the television? It's obnoxious.

Anyhow. You know I can't stand the Cowboys and I'm gonna be behind any team that is playing them. When the team happens to represent my new hometown and they got SPANKED by the Cowboys just a week prior, this makes tensions even higher.

That said.


Red wine and football, baby! That's what [a displaced] Maryland[er] does!

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