Saturday, December 19, 2009

Charlie work

It's a blizzard outside. A real, live blizzard. I don't know that I've ever seen snow like this, but if I have, it was in 1996 -- 13 years ago. Cheese and rice, man, this is pretty crazy. This will not, however, stop Krystina and I from working tonight. I am guessing that once the sun dips below the horizon and the snow keeps going, however, it will be super slow.

This said, I'm hoping there could be some sweet Charlie work to do. I really love Charlie work. The other day as I sat waiting for Krystina, Brian asked her if he could give me Charlie work.

"Moira really likes Charlie work," Krystina replied. "No, really, she does."

And I do.

My Charlie work that night consisted of unpacking some sweet new stainless steel pots and pans.

Here's why Charlie work attracts me.

1) I got to use a sharp knife!
2) I got to throw boxes with reckless abandon into the hallway where the dishwashers were not happy with me.
3) I got to peel fun stickers off the pots and pans. Stickers are fun.
4) The pots were so shiny and pretty!

Now you might say, considering the way that all of those pleasures were quite simple, that I am a simple person. And here I must admit that I am. But I don't think I'm unintelligent. I think it's okay to be simple and to like Charlie work (I can write in things other than pictures, so I think I have one thing that Charlie doesn't).

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