Monday, May 26, 2008

Come along take my hand, let's all go to Dragon Land...

Yeah, my life is totally at that point where, when I need song lyrics, the thing that pops up in my head is the Dragon Tales theme song. Oh Max and Emmy, you so crazy.

Anyhow, Dragon Tales is not the reason I blogged (though I will say a big WHAT UP! to LaLa and tell her I scored some sweetass bubble swords for our dragon riding adventures. No, that is not some obscure drug reference, either). I blogged because of something that I came across on

First, let's explain why I was on blogthings. I am a sad and pathetic human being who (when I'm not watching every George Harrison video ever published on YouTube) finds solace in comfort in the realm of the internet. (I'm taking bets on how long it'll be before I start with WoW). Anyway, on Kendall's facebook she had this quiz section and it made me think of blogthings and I went and started taking quizzes.

And then I came across the best quiz ever!


"Do You Ruin Relationships With Men?"

What?! People need a quiz to tell them this? This is the most brilliant quiz idea ever. I mean, seriously. I am incredulous. Of course I ruin relationships with men!!! Now, I realize that not every person in this world is as socially/romantically/lifeally (not a word) incompetent as I am. I know this. But guess what, those people don't need to take a quiz to tell them that they're incompetent. They are perfectly healthy human beings who are out having relationships with men instead of a) sitting on blogthings and then b) actually blogging about said ridiculous quiz!

Dear blogthings,

FAIL! Massive, massive, flaming ball of fail. Really? Yes. I do ruin relationships with men. If I didn't, I wouldn't be taking this quiz, either. Hates you.


Also, after making this ranting blog, I took the test. It was smug and told me I was a "relationship doormat". Know what, quiz? I'm gonna smear doodie all over your doormat. How do you feel about that?


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